
The Commandery of Knights Templar is by far the most visible arm of the York Rite. Whether they be participating in parades, church services, or doing good works in the local community, the white plume and dark uniform of a Knight Templar is an unmistakable symbol of one of the most active branches of Freemasonry. The modern version of the Knights Templar work to promote a love of country coupled with a charitable mission based upon Christ’s teachings.

Today’s Knights Templar can trace their ideals directly to those valiant crusaders who sought to help pilgrims travel through the Holy Land. The Knights Templar of Pennsylvania are consistently one of the highest donors to the Knights Templar Eye Foundation, which provides national research grants to doctors to cure diseases of the eye. The Sir Knights also give generously so that each year local ministers may visit the Holy Land.

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St. John’s No. 4 Stated Conclave is the First Monday of Each Month at Gothic Hall, Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. In September, we meet on the third Monday to avoid conflict with Labor Day.