Facts Regarding Registering for the 68th Triennial Conclave

EVERY Sir Knight attending the Triennial Conclave, whether a voting delegate or non-voting delegate, is required to register separately and pay the registration fee.

The option for an accompanying Lady or Guest is intended for the spouse or significant other of the Sir Knight registering. A Sir Knight registering may not declare another Sir Knight as his guest.

The registration fee of $275 ($300 after June 1, 2021) is a “package fee” and includes:


2 tickets to the Friday General Grand Council dinner and

2 tickets to the Saturday General Grand Council lunch


2 tickets to the Sunday Grand Master’s Reception and

2 tickets to the Tuesday Grand Master’s Banquet

The second ticket is intended for the spouse or significant other of the Sir Knight registering. If a Sir Knight is attending unaccompanied, he will be provided with one ticket to each of the two General Grand Council meals OR one ticket to the Grand Encampment Reception and one ticket to the Banquet.

The rationale behind this is that the second tickets in the package are intended to encourage spouses/significant others to participate in the Triennial. The additional funds received from Sir Knights attending solo are used to help defray the expenses of running the event such as delegate badges, room rentals, audio-visual rental, costs associated with our invited guests, etc. This has been the practice for several recent Triennial Conclaves.

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