St. John’s Commandery is the oldest Commandery in the United States. When forming the Commanderies, St. John’s was given the option of becoming #1 or retaining our Encampment number #4.
A candidate for Commandery, also known as Templary, will go through three Orders (similar to degrees.) These include the Order of the Red Cross, the Order of Malta, and the Order of the Temple. Each Order deals with specific periods of history in the rise of the Templar tradition. Once a candidate receives the Order of the Temple he is considered a full member and may participate in activities and meetings which might include parades, raising funds for charitable works, patriotic observances, and other brotherhood building events.
Join Us
To be a member of Commandery one must first be a Master Mason as well as a Royal Arch Mason. They must also profess a belief in Christianity and be willing to defend the faith just as the Templars of old.

Contact Us
Gothic Hall
One North Broad
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania